20161120 First Children’s Blessing Ceremony by San Bao Temple and SFYAD!

San Bao Temple held its very first Children’s Blessing Ceremony on November 20, 2016. Venerables Chuehhsing and Miaozhong led a chanting and prayer for over forty children; they wished for the children to grow healthily and treat others with courtesy. The Venerables encouraged parents to bring their children to the temple more often in order to deepen their connection with Buddhism and nurture the next generation of Buddhists.

After the ceremony, the San Francisco Young Adult Division (SFYAD) hosted a variety of fun activities for the children to enjoy. With their activity passports in hand, they toured stations such as origami, face painting, and musical chairs. At the end of the event, the most active children were also able to bring home some toys for themselves. The event was a great learning experience for the newly formed YAD Executive Team, and they hope to plan more activities that bring people of all ages and interests together in the future.

Text: Yen Ting Liew, Edited by Prateek Yadav.

Photography: Katrina Hallie Chak.

20161122 佛光山三寶寺首次舉辦佛光寶寶祈福禮



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