San Francisco YAD Enrich Themselves Through Experiencing Temple Life

San Francisco Young Adult Division (SF YAD) hosted their first Temple Life Experience camp for two consecutive weekends in June. Attendees were exposed to a wide range of activities including sitting meditation, seminars, Buddhism classes, tea meditation, sutra transcribing, Buddhist etiquette, and morning and evening prayers. The 20 attendees across both weekends even took turns handling kitchen affairs themselves; the experiences gained from the camp will hopefully serve the attendees well in their daily lives.

The first week of the camp was themed “Science and Buddhism”. The famed scientist Albert Einstein once said, “If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism”. Recent scientific breakthroughs have constantly resonated with the Buddha’s teachings from 2,500 years ago, and attendees learned about many unexpected connection between the seemingly distinct fields of science and religion. In the Buddhist etiquette and tea meditation classes hosted by Venerable Miaozhong, attendees were taught to use their five senses to drive away unnecessary thoughts and focus on the changes in causes and conditions.

Going into the second week, the theme was changed to “How to Live a Balanced Life”. The camp began with a special lecture, “Turning Point”, held by Venerable Dr. Juewei, Director of Nan Tien Institute’s Humanistic Buddhist Centre. Venerable Dr. Juewei used neuroscience to explain the reasons behind many psychological conditions, and shared stories of the practical application from Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s book “Humanistic Buddhism: Holding True to the Original Intents of Buddha”. The lecture brought a smooth transition between the science-oriented first week and the life-oriented second week.

The day’s activities included sutra transcribing, dharma instrument and Chinese knots classes, as well as a short film discussion. While participating in the activities, attendees learned how to focus on the present moment. Venerable Miaozhong led a discussion on the short film “The Last Knit”; attendees shared their many thoughts and reflections on the film, and learned from each other how to look at an event from different perspectives. Through Venerable Miaozhong’s guidance, students became more mindful of engaging in self-reflection, maintaining the right view, staying true to their goals, and practicing the Middle Way.

Cellphones and electronic devices were prohibited over the course of the camp; attendees were initially worried about being away from their phones, but later found that they became more focused and immersed in the camp. At the end of the Temple Life Experience camp, many attendees expressed their anticipation for the upcoming “International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Executive Conference” in July; they hope to bring back valuable knowledge and experience and host more spiritually cultivating events for Bay Area youths.

Text: Yen Ting Liew, Edited: Venerable Miao Zhong; Photos: Qiulin Peng, Selene Chew, Benson Kwek


Find yourself in nature: SFYAD returns to nature at Point Reyes National Park!

The long weekend on Memorial Day was slightly different for the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) San Francisco Young Adult Division (SFYAD).  SFYAD organized a 3-day meditation retreat at Point Reyes National Park.

Since Point Reyes has limited communication signals, the group was very focussed during the retreat.

Under the leadership and guidance of Venerable Miao Zhong and the event committees, the group successfully completed a 3-day retreat.On the first day, Selene Chew, President of SFYAD, led the group with a prayer before setting off to Point Reyes. Qiulin Peng, the organizer of the retreat, planned many activities for the group. Among these were several hiking trips, picnic, making meals together, cooking competition, bonfire, and most importantly, meditation sessions and discussion. During these activities, we made new friends, memories, and understood each other better.The group bonded very naturally, and everyone helped each other out with responsibilities such as cooking, washing, and packing.

During the meditation sessions, Venerable Miao Zhong led us to understand the benefits of meditation for both our physical and mental health.We experienced both indoor and outdoor meditation. We learnt several breathing techniques to aid us in rejuvenating ourselves, releasing stress from our bodies and minds.We learnt to anchor our focus point on a single object, be it the sound of the birds, water, or our breath. The venerable also gave us several questions to investigate throughout the day. They were “What does it mean to have the whole world within you?” and “What is the difference between water and wave?”  At the end of the day during the bonfire, the Venerable led a discussion about these two questions, and encouraged us to practice our realization after the retreat.

Many of the participants gave very positive remarks about the retreat. Many enjoyed the Tomales Point Trail hike on the last day, cooking competition, the mediation, and bonfire. Everyone enjoyed the cooperative nature of the group, especially during the cooking competition. One of the participants said “Everyone is helpful and cooperated. It is simple yet fun and happy when everyone is trying to help. When everyone is involved, those chores become fun.”.

To sum up the experience of the whole trip, participants learned more about themselves during the retreat. New friendships and great memories were formed. Through being in nature for the 3 days, we learnt more about the nature of our minds.

Text: Winson Yang, Edited: Venerable Miao Zhong; Photos: KeeHeng Tiow, Katrina Chak, Selene Chew


Experience Life in San Bao Temple

Sign Up Here

Have you ever wondered what life in the temple is like? Do you want to learn more about yourself?

We invite you for a weekend stay at our San Bao Temple! Experience life in a temple, from morning chanting, meditation, vegetarian meals and Buddhism classes. We will also explore topics (see below) that applies to our everyday life in this modern age, and hope these will provide you with new perspectives after you leave.

  • Weekend 1: Science vs Buddhism
  • Weekend 2: How to Live a Balanced Life

You can join us on any of our weekend on 6/3-4 & 6/10-11! Please be sure to sign up early here!

Registration deadline: 5/20

Details below


  • Weekend 1 – 6/3 to 6/4
  • Weekend 2 – 6/10 to 6/11

Location: San Bao Temple, 1750 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco

Cost: Open Donation


Weekend 1: Science vs Buddhism

3rd Jun 10am – 4th Jun 10am

Day 1

  • Morning: 10am – 11:30am
    • Briefing of Temple Life Event + Temple Tour + SFYAD Introduction
    • Ice Breaker – Self Introduction
  • Afternoon: 11:30am – 5pm
    • Lunch
    • Buddhism Class I – Science and Buddhism
    • Learning Chinese Knots
    • Buddhist Etiquette Class – Half Bow, Prostration, Holding Incense,  BLIA Four Line Verse
  • Evening: 5pm – 10pm
    • Dinner Preparations
    • Dinner
    • Evening Prayer
    • Buddhism Class II – Science and Buddhism
    • Reflection

Day 2

  • Morning: 6am – 10am
    • Morning Prayer/Sitting Meditation
    • Breakfast Preparations
    • Breakfast and wash dishes
    • Wrapping Up
  • Optional: 10am-12:30pm
    • Dharma Service

Weekend 2: How to Live a Balanced Life

Jun 10th 10am – Jun 11th 10am

Day 1

  • Morning: 10am – 12noon
    • Buddhism Seminar (Special Lecture from Ven. Jue Wei): Turning Point – How to Live a Balanced Life
  • Afternoon: 1200 – 5pm
    • Lunch
    • Sutra Transcribing
    • Meditative Exercise
    • Sitting Meditation
    • Buddhist Etiquette Class – Buddhist Instrument
  • Evening: 5pm – 10pm
    • Dinner Preparations
    • Dinner
    • Evening Prayer
    • Buddhism Class II – How to Live a Balanced Life
    • Reflection

Day 2

  • Morning: 6am – 10am
    • Morning Prayer/Sitting Meditation
    • Breakfast Preparations
    • Breakfast and wash dishes
    • Wrapping Up
  • Optional: 10am-12:30pm
    • Dharma Service


Sign Up Here

2017 花藝班 Flower Arrangement class

Finding Yourself in Nature: Meditation & Nature Hike Retreat

Point Reyes

Sign Up Here

Get yourself immerse in the middle of nature over the Memorial Weekend!

Join us at Point Reyes for a Meditation and Nature retreat during Memorial Weekend (5/27 – 5/29), where we will be in the middle of nature and many more miles from the WI-FI signals. But you won’t need it since we will spend the days kayaking with a tour guide (optional), hiking along scenic trails, meditating in the sunlight, enjoying self-cook meals, laughing while playing games, and most importantly, finding yourself!

Limited spots only. Sign Up now to have more fun this holiday!

Who: Students, working adults, everyone is invited

When: 5/27/2017 9am to 5/29/2017 5pm

Accommodation: Point Reyes Hostel

Food: Vegetarian

Cost: $110, including logistics, accommodations and meals

Sign Up here


BLIA SFYAD (Buddha’s Light International Association – San Francisco Young Adult Division) is a young adult Buddhist group affiliated with Fo Guang Shan, San Bao Temple. We focus on providing a fun atmosphere for young adults (< 35 years) to contribute to the community and learn about Buddhism. We engage with local communities through social services such as volunteering at Food Banks, Homeless Shelter, Nursing Homes, Habitat for Humanity, etc., and also organize buddhist classes, retreats, meditation classes, etc.

No prior buddhist knowledge is required, everyone of any background, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion can join the discussion!



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