Author Archive: sanbaoadmin
SFYAD Monthly Seminar: Moving on – How to let go of your past
Drowning in the the sadness of losing beloved?
Replaying the heart-breaking scene in mind?
Getting stuck in the past?
You are one step to own the world – moving on.
Those moments, good and bad, are parts of who you are, accept it.
BLIA SFYAD presents our monthly seminar: “Moving on – how to let go and reconcile with your past” where we discuss about letting go of obsession with the irreversible, and taking the warmth to start the journey.
It is open to everyone who is interested to join, any race, gender, religion (or lack there of) are welcomed.
Time: 3/12/2017 Sunday at 1:30 PM – 3 PM
Location: 佛光山三寶寺 Fo Guang Shan San Bao Temple
Address: 1750 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, California 94109