Auspicious greeting!
I now sincerely bathe all the Tathagatas,
As pure wisdom adorns the ocean of merits.
May sentient beings distance themselves from defilements,
And realize the pure Dharma body of the Tathagatas.
Buddhists go to the temple to bathe the Buddha on Buddha’s Birthday every year, in hope to purify their mind through the actions of bathing the Buddha. Also, following the Buddha, they learn to be more compassionate, more patient, more peaceful and learn to serve and help others.
Fo Guang Shan San Bao Temple and Buddha’s Light Temple will be hosting the Buddha’s Bathing Dharma Service on May 8 (Sun) at 10:30 am online. We welcome everyone to participate and pray homage to the Buddha.
Also, San Bao Temple will be opened to the Fo Guang members for bathing the Buddha on May 8 from 10 am to 3 pm and on May 10-14 from 10 am to 3 pm. Please wear a face mask and follow the guidance and instruction when you come. Thank you for your cooperation!
Online liturgy link:
Youtube Live streaming:
or search San Bao Temple on Youtube (we welcome you to subscribe!)
May All Beings Live Without Fear and Coexist in Peace!
2022佛光山開山56周年—全球同步抄經修持 公告
The 56th Fo Guang Shan Anniversary – Simultaneous Global Sutra Transcription Cultivation
Auspicious greetings to all devotees,
The anniversary of the founding of Fo Guang Shan, which is also Buddha’s Light Day, falls on May 16th every year. The power of Venerable Master’s vows accomplished the Fo Guang Shan that is today. Throughout Venerable Master’s life of Dharma propagation, he hoped that everyone can emulate the actions of the Buddha, and practice the Three Acts of Goodness, Four Givings, Five Harmonies, and Six Paramitas. He encourages us to take patience as our strength, not to forget our initial vows, develop kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity, and enlighten ourselves and others.
Fo Guang Shan San Bao Temple set May 15, Sunday 4 pm to commence live stream of the virtual Global Sutra Transcription Cultivation.
Youtube 直播:
或搜尋:San Bao Temple 佛光山三寶寺 (歡迎訂閱)。
YouTube Live stream:
Or search on YouTube: San Bao Temple 佛光山三寶寺 (subscribe to the channel)
耑此 敬頌
處世無畏 和平共存
三寶寺 謹啟
Joined palms
San Bao Temple
Living without fear and coexist in harmony
「雲水浴佛車-恭迎佛祖到我家」前往信眾家,年紀最長為96歲的侯黃金環長者,她表示過去還可以回道場當義工,但隨著年紀越大外出不便,非常感謝三寶寺可以將佛祖送到我家,讓我可以浴佛,為佛祖慶生;侯師姊知道三寶寺即將重建,關心佛祖是否有地方安奉讓信眾可以禮拜。劉明珠師姐在家門口設置香案恭迎佛祖,因疫情期間很久沒有回道場,道場第一次舉辦雲水浴佛,這因緣讓家人能一起參與浴佛,非常的殊勝。Susan Hway三姊妹提早站在路口,手捧鮮花等候佛祖的到來,當她們看到佛祖車時,內心非常激動,不斷地說著「Welcome Buddha to my house」。老信徒戴文英師姐家住四樓沒有電梯,她因行動不便,上下樓需要有人背,但得知三寶寺即將拆除重建,她告訴孩子,一定要來道場浴佛,看看佛祖及三寶寺。甚至一位坐輪椅八十多歲的老菩薩,得知道場開放讓信眾進入浴佛,讓孩子帶她來,靜靜的在大殿坐了近一小時與佛接心。住在道場附近的西方人士也透過海報得知可以到道場浴佛,特別邀請朋友一起前來,法師特別為他講解浴佛的緣起。