2022 Amitabha Buddha Dharma Service. 彌陀法會通啟 *updated 2022/12/08, sutra, etc

Dear Members and Devotees:
The 2022 Amitabha Buddha Dharma Service will be held online at 10 AM on Sunday Dec 11, We welcome everyone to join us in the online service.

YouTube Live streaming Link:
12/11 am: www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
12/11 pm: www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live

Online liturgy link:
Section 1: https://tinyurl.com/yc4fx2p8
Section 2: https://tinyurl.com/2umnwcrk
Section 3、4: https://tinyurl.com/yckmz3yz
Section 5: https://tinyurl.com/4a2csysc

San Bao Temple with joining palms


2022 彌陀法會 Amitabha Buddha Dharma Service (直播& 經文連結)

大家吉祥! 欣逢阿彌陀佛聖誕,佛光山北加州道場於12 月 11 日 舉辦彌陀法會。採取線上直播,歡迎大眾一起參與禮佛祈福,同霑法益!

12/11 am: www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
12/11 pm: www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live

第一支香: https://tinyurl.com/yc4fx2p8
第二支香: https://tinyurl.com/2umnwcrk
第三、四支香: https://tinyurl.com/yckmz3yz
第五支香: https://tinyurl.com/4a2csysc


佛光山三寶寺【秋季】社教課 9 月開始上課,此次要請南半球澳洲的有紀法師於線上教授「佛心禪藝」畫畫課,共計 25 學員參加,10/20 學員呂佳玲將此次課程內容運用在中華學校,並用學生名字設計卡片送給中華學校的孩子們。在給予孩子們卡片的同時,告訴他們每一張畫的不同,如同每一個人都不樣,要學習欣賞自己也欣賞他人的美好;以孩子們的中文名字畫張卡片送給他們,沒想到迴響很大,孩子們拿到時看到他們開心驚喜的表情,家長還特別前來感 謝。
星雲大師云:「有了理想,生命才有意義,人生才有目標。堅定理想,才能實 踐抱負,才能有所成就。」因為佛光山三寶寺社教課開辦的「佛心禪藝」課程,讓我的生活充滿了色彩;此堂課程打開了我藝術的禪定力,這一堂課是有佛法又非常療癒的藝術課程,不僅讓大家在繁忙的生活中有機會透過塗鴉進入禪定,更在畫下每一筆新奇的圖騰中的感到十分的自在與寧靜。有紀法師在課堂上帶領我們欣賞每一位同學的作品,也是如此,要去看到最美好的畫面,也越來越懂得看見生活美好的光明面,不但可以欣賞藝術美,更可以透過藝術領略更多人間佛教的美妙。

2022 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service 藥師法會 (updated 2022/10/21 live links & sutra)

Announcement for Oct 23, 2022, The Medicine Buddha Dharma Service
Dear Dharma Friends and Devotees,
The 2022 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service will be held online at 10 AM on Sunday, Oct 23.  During the service, the Medicine Buddha Sutra will be recited and lamps offered in the Main Shrine, the merit of which will serve as the bridge connecting us with the Medicine Buddha. We dedicate all merits from the service for world peace and blessings for the family members of every devotee. May all be blessed with joy, wisdom, and peace!
Dharma Service Schedule:
10:00 am Medicine Buddha Sutra, Noon Offering, and The Medicine Buddha Repentance scroll 1
1:30 pm The Medicine Buddha Repentance scroll 2
3:30 pm The Medicine Buddha Repentance scroll 3
中英文電子經文 (sutra links):
10:00 am 藥師經、藥師寳懺卷上、午供
1:30 pm 藥師寳懺卷中
2:40 pm 藥師寳懺卷下


The Great Compassion Repentance Dharma Service 大悲懺法會

Announcement for Oct 9, 2022, The Great Compassion Repentance Dharma Service



Dear Members and Devotees:

Fo Guang Shan San Bao Temple, Fo Guang Temple will be conducting The Great Compassion Repentance Dharma Service on Oct 9 at 10:00 am online.
We welcome everyone to participate and pay homage to the Buddha!

* Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/yb3jnq95
* YouTube Lives streaming Link: http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live

San Bao Temple with joining palms



* 線上修持電子經文連結(sutra link): https://tinyurl.com/yb3jnq95
* Youtube 直播: : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live

三寶寺 謹啟


三寶寺三寶佛移駕臨時佛堂 佛光永續照世間

人間通訊社 (The Life News Agency)
【人間社 陽光、留平敏 美國舊金山報導】
佛光山三寶寺坐落於美國加利福尼亞州舊金山 1750 Van Ness Ave,為配合原址重建,近期內進行道場搬遷工作,特於8月1日起,將道場移至38 Bryant Street. Unit #3, San Francisco 94105 CA臨時佛堂,以方便信眾禮佛。8月6日舉行一場歷史性的三寶佛移駕祈福法會,儀式莊嚴殊勝。當天佛光人近40位參加。
佛立門文教中心青年Alex Tung分享,非常感謝法師們給他參與「三寶佛搬家」的因緣,感覺非常榮幸,而「搬家」的過程也異常的順利,是他人生中最難忘的經驗。Kendra Tung表示,能見證這歷史性的一刻,非常幸運。

梁皇法會 Emperor Liang Dharma-assembly of Filial Piety & Gratitude (udpated 07281340)

Northern California Fo Guang Shan
Filial Piety Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Service
農曆七月孝道月將屆,為發揚孝親報恩之美德,效法目犍連尊者對母親追思之情,佛光山北加州道場特於國曆7 月28 日至 7 月 31 日啟建孝親報恩梁皇法會(視訊直播),禮拜《梁皇寶懺》。仗此佛力慈佑,功德回向過往先靈往生淨土,蓮品增上;藉此禮佛拜懺,淨化身心,培福修慧,並祈社會安和樂利,平安吉祥!
2pm 灑淨 / 卷一(香供養)
中英文電子經文 Link: https://tinyurl.com/y2qoxe2c
直播LINK : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
中英文電子經文 Link : https://tinyurl.com/y49csf57
直播LINK : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7/29 (五)
9:30am-11:00am: 卷三(燈供養) / 上供
中英文電子經文 Link: https://tinyurl.com/y2ab94vd
中英文電子經文 Link: https://tinyurl.com/yyy4tr4e /
直播LINK : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
2:00pm-3:30pm: 卷四(塗供養)
中英文電子經文 Link : https://tinyurl.com/y5jy8qun
3:50-5:50pm: 卷五(果供養) / 靈前供
中英文電子經文 Link : https://tinyurl.com/y4vfwgrj
直播LINK : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7:30pm-9:00pm: 卷六(茶供養)
中英文電子經文 Link : https://tinyurl.com/y3ovjdz4
直播LINK : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7/30 (六)
9:30am-11:00am: 卷七(食供養) / 上供
中英文電子經文 Link : https://tinyurl.com/y5dajufk
中英文電子經文 Link : https://tinyurl.com/y6jevl9c /
直播LINK : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
2:00pm-3:30pm: 卷八(寶供養)
中英文電子經文 Link : https://tinyurl.com/y3bfrqyt
3:50-5:50pm: 卷九(珠供養) / 靈前供
中英文電子經文 Link : https://tinyurl.com/y4ggv6qd
直播LINK : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7:30pm-9:00pm: 卷十(衣供養)
中英文電子經文 Link : https://tinyurl.com/y3wlq4fb
直播LINK : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7/31 (日)
10:00am: 阿彌陀經/ 上供
中英文電子經文 Link: https://tinyurl.com/46tj35u9
直播LINK : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
2:00pm: 三時繫念佛事 (總回向)
中英文電子經文 Link :https://tinyurl.com/y3dbfuhn
直播LINK : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
The 2022 Ullambana Festival (the month of filial piety) is approaching soon. To emulate the Arhat Maudgalyayana’s memorialization of his mother and promote the virtue of filial piety and repaying kindness, Northern California Fo Guang Shan Temples will be conducting the Filial Piety Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Service from July 28–July 31 (Real-time online broadcasting). Merits gained from these Dharma services will be dedicated to the ancestors and departed loved ones so that they may be reborn in the Buddha’s pure land. This is also a good opportunity to repent transgressions, purify the minds, and nurture wisdom.
May the Triple Gems bless the society with peace and harmony and bless you and your family with safety and auspiciousness!
The schedule for the Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Service is as follows:
Dharma Service Schedule:
7/28 (Thurs)
2pm Purification / Scroll 1(Offering of Incense)
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y2qoxe2c / https://tinyurl.com/y5qps4bd
Live streaming: http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7:30pm Purification / Scroll 2(Offering of Flowers)
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y49csf57
Live streaming: http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7/29 (Fri)
9:30am-11:00am: Scroll 3 (Offering of Light)
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y2ab94vd
11:30am-12:30am:Noon Offering
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/yyy4tr4e / https://tinyurl.com/yyxcqtdv
Live streaming: http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
2:00pm-3:30pm: Scroll 4 (Offering of Lotion/soap)
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y5jy8qun
3:50-5:50pm: Scroll 5 (Offering of Fruits) / Offering at the Altar of Deceased
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y4vfwgrj
Live streaming: http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7:30pm-9:00pm: Scroll 6 (Offering of Tea)
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y3ovjdz4
Live streaming: http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7/30 (Sat)
9:30am-11:00am: Scroll 7 (Offering of Food)
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y5dajufk
11:30am-12:30am:Noon Offering
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y6jevl9c / https://tinyurl.com/yyxcqtdv
Live streaming: http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
2:00pm-3:30pm: Scroll 8 (Offering of Treasures)
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y3bfrqyt
3:50-5:50pm: Scroll 9 (Offering of Beads (Sutra)) / Offering at the Altar of Deceased
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y4ggv6qd
Live streaming: http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7:30pm-9:00pm: Scroll 10 (Offering of Clothing)
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y3wlq4fb
Live streaming : http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
7/31 (Sun)
10:00am: Amitabha Sutra / Noon Offering
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/46tj35u9
Live streaming: http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live
2:00pm: Amitabha Triple Contemplation Service (Final Dedication of Merit )
Online liturgy link: https://tinyurl.com/y3dbfuhn
Live streaming: http://www.youtube.com/sanbaotemple/live


各位護法信徒 平安吉祥:


耑此    順頌           處世無畏 和平共存                              佛光山三寶寺 謹啟


國際佛光會舊金山協會 西來寺參加共僧廣植福田

國際佛光會舊金山協會 西來寺參加共僧廣植福田


