11/7(日)藥師法會圓滿當日下午5:30pm-7pm, 歡迎有點燈信眾來寺取結緣品,同時將供佛的花朵帶回家。願佛菩薩庇佑平安健康 所求滿願。
中英文電子經文 (sutra links), YouTube的連結 及 時間表:
10:00am藥師經: https://tinyurl.com/y3d4w24u
YouTube的連結: https://youtu.be/NGSVQUWmr8Y
11:30am午供: https://tinyurl.com/yxpkcgpm
YouTube的連結: https://youtu.be/NGSVQUWmr8Y
1:30pm藥師寳懺卷上卷中: https://tinyurl.com/yxuqu2ez
YouTube的連結: https://youtu.be/AMJd_7hkXF4
3:30pm藥師寳懺卷下: https://tinyurl.com/y4xve8t2
YouTube的連結如下: https://youtu.be/AMJd_7hkXF4
三寶寺 謹啓
Announcement for San Bao Temple Nov 7, 2021 The Medicine Buddha Dharma Service
Dear Dharma Friends and Devotees,
Fo Guang Shan San Bao Temple、The Light of Buddha Temple、Bodhi Temple’s Medicine Buddha Dharma Service will be held online at 10AM on Sunday, November 7.
During the service, the Medicine Buddha Sutra will be recited and lamps offered in the Main Shrine, the merit of which will serve as the bridge connecting us with the Medicine Buddha. We dedicate all merits from the service for world peace and blessings for the family members of every devotee. May all be blessed with joy, wisdom, and peace!
San Bao Temple will be open from 1pm to 5pm on Saturday, November 6th. We invite everyone who wishes to venerate the buddhas, offer incense and light lamps.
On the day of the completion of the Medicine Buddha Dharma Service on Nov 7, we welcome all devotees to come to the temple to pick up your offerings from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. May the Buddha and Bodhisattva bless everyone with safety, and good health.
Dharma Service Schedule, and links are below:
10:00am Medicine Buddha Sutra :
Live streaming:
11:30am Noon Offering:
Live streaming:
1:30pm The Medicine Buddha Repentance: https://tinyurl.com/yxuqu2ez
Live streaming: https://youtu.be/AMJd_7hkXF4
3:30pm The Medicine Buddha Repentance: https://tinyurl.com/y4xve8t2
Live streaming: https://youtu.be/AMJd_7hkXF4