April: SFYAD Upcoming Events

SFYAD has planned many events for April, and will be planning even more till July!
Our Monthly Seminar’s topic for April is “Ways to Obtain Freedom“. We will also be volunteering at the MedShare and having fun at California’s Great America! We hope for you to join us at any of these events!

April Upcoming Events

Preview imagePromotional Video Recording

[When] April 2nd, Sunday, 5pm
[Where] Meeting @ San Bao Temple, heading to Golden Gate Bridge together. Having Dinner after!
We will be recording a 20 second video as promotional materials for an upcoming youth conference held in LA. We would like to gather as many people to help us in this video! The whole group will be reading a few sentence together, with Golden Gate Bridge as the background.
[Register] https://www.facebook.com/events/100713947142850/





Volunteering @ MedShare [Registration Full]

[When] April 8th, Saturday, 12:30pm – 4pm
[Where] MedShare, San Leandro
MedShare depends on volunteers to sort and box donated medical supplies for shipment to healthcare facilities in developing countries. We will be sending 15 volunteers to help out at MedShare.
[Registration Closed]





Preview imageMonthly Seminar: Ways to Obtain Freedom

[When] April 9th, Sunday, 1:30pm – 3pm
[Where] San Bao Temple
“Nothing can stand on my road to freedom.” We aspire freedom, hoping to get rid of chain locked our steps. What is exactly the true freedom we are looking for? How can we truly be free? Join our monthly seminar to find out.
[Register] https://www.facebook.com/events/133100543889455/






Preview imageCalifornia’s Great America

[When] April 22, Saturday, 10am till late
[Where] Great America
Come join us for roller coaster ride!
[Register] https://www.facebook.com/events/405935866448327/








Preview imageBuddhist Seminar: The Importance of Causes and Conditions of This World

[When] April 23rd, Sunday, 2:30pm – 4:30pm
[Where] Holiday Inn San Francisco-Golden Gateway
The Vice Abbot of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Hui Chao is invited to give a talk on “The Importance of Causes and Conditions in this World”, a chapter from Venerable Master Hsin Yun’s Book “Hear Me Out”.
[Register] https://www.facebook.com/events/1307503142664673/



Other Upcoming Events

Please email to sanfrancisco@bliayad.org if you are interested in any of the following events.

Tea Ceremony

[When] April 29th, Saturday, 1:30pm
[Where] San Bao Temple
Learn the proper way of hosting a tea ceremony!






Preview imageBay to Breakers Run!

[When] May 21st, Sunday, 8am
[Where] Main St & Howard St
We will be participating in this run! Everyone is welcomed to join us!
[Info] http://baytobreakers.com/





Memorial Day Weekend Retreat

[When] 5/27-5/29 (Sun – Mon)
[Where] TBD


Temple Life Experience Weekend

[When] 6/3-6/4 (Sat-Sun) and 6/10-6/11 (Sat-Sun)
[Where] San Bao Temple
Experience life in temple through this 1D1N stay @ San Bao Temple, for two subsequent weekends.


International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Executive Conference

[When] 7/11-7/15 (Tue-Sat)
[Where] Hsi Lai Temple, Los Angeles
[Info] https://www.facebook.com/events/153784688449530/

Posted in English Updates, YAD, 活動更新.